來源:核聞天下 發(fā)布日期:2017-09-30
作為目前亞洲唯一專注于核電運維領(lǐng)域的交流平臺,國際核電運維大會已成功舉辦四屆。今年9月14日-15日在上海舉辦的第四屆國際核電運維大會吸引了國內(nèi)外156家單位,500余位代表參會。其中,法國電力集團(以下稱EDF)不僅是本次大會的協(xié)辦方之一,而且參會代表 還接受了上海英致的獨家專訪。現(xiàn)在就來聽聽他們是怎么說的吧!
Is there any difference about nuclear O&M market between China Foreign countries?
In China the HAF certificate doesn’t concern O&M services, but in France the O&M market shall comply with the European Directive as well as design manufactures.
For contracts above 400 thouss Euros, EDF calls for open bid (published in the official European Journal) for all types of services.
For most of the firm, for the French market, the bidders apply for EDF qualification before for the related services. The qualification process within EDF is similar to HAF certification process. what important is that there is no differences between French, European or foreigner companies regarding competition qualification criteria.
Is there any difficulty in nuclear O&M?
2 points are different in France in comparison to China. Firstly, EDF operates 58 plants, so the number of outage peak, can be 20 outages, it’s quite heavy job France is not full of heavy industries as in China, so these peaks are a great challenge. The second point is that the average age of EDF fleet in France is 30 years, so the maintenance sometimes can bring some difficult issues.
One common point in China France is that we both face now challenge of electricity market price. That gives some pressure pushes us finding some new ways new innovations, such as e-monitoring, to optimize the maintenance, of course keep the safety first as our overriding priority
Do you know there is a《Nuclear Safety Regulation》published in China recently, do you have any comments?
The《Nuclear Safety Regulation》in China, We are concerned with Taishan, that we co-operate with CGN.
The first point is that, as responsible operators, we don’t only follow the rules, we must be responsible pro-active in safety. Since Fukushima, we have lots of challenges in the nuclear industry in China France, that we need to manage as a responsible operator. The regulator triggers us it’s good. Nuclear safety, it’s not just a speech, it’s also decisions of the management. Last year in France, EDF made some controls on steam generators on many plants, needing to delay outages. We lost about 10% of our production. This is an evidence of managing safety as the overriding priority.
How EDF evaluate the cooperation with CGN of building nuclear projects in UK, like Hinckley Point C project? What will be the greatest challenge on this cooperation?
You know Hinckley project is a very good news for cooperation, it’s good for us, we already had 20-year cooperation with China, we have the Taishan project, now we have together in UK, so it’s very good news, EDF group EDF Energy are very interested in CGN, because of the feedback CGN can bring from Taishan experience, that’s an important point. Also CGN started 5 plants last year is good at managing such big projects.
Well, one of the challenges is that the UK safety context is different. Some design is to be modified because of some specific requirements. That’s one of the challenge we have. What is also important is to be able to go to Chinese, English, French together, three companies CGN also with the supply chain.
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